Sunday, May 10, 2020

America s Foreign Policies And Outlook On National...

September 11, 2001 marks the day of a horrific event that had changed America’s foreign policies and outlook on national security protocol. The response that the U.S. government had towards this act of terror was a response involving the pursuit of justice against those who committed the heinous actions that killed thousands of innocent Americans. The U.S. government wanted to combat our enemies by pursuing national interests in an attempt to stop the occurrences of terrorism that were occurring from the Middle East region. The government would do this by first demanding the surrender of Al-Qaeda leaders including Osama Bin Laden and those that were involved with the planning of the attack. Ground forces were later sent to search for Al-Qaeda members when they did not comply with the demands. The U.S. government had goals of developing a peaceful relation with Middle Eastern governments to help combat Al-Qaeda forces; but, while the U.S. government had intentions of containin g a global threat of terrorism, I believe that U.S. government actions have unintentionally unleashed a terrorism outbreak within the Middle East. With intention to stop terrorist acts from taking place, the interests of the U.S. have undoubtedly caused anger among the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and may have caused terrorist organizations to benefit from actions made by the mistakes of our U.S. military. Mercado 2 Our involvement within the Middle East has consisted of actions that could haveShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Politics of Going Green2153 Words   |  9 Pagesfuels. â€Å"Repowering America† will not be an easy task but I believe it is essential for our country’s economic and national stability. 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